Hmm, maybe I should try and post once in the month. I don’t like this month and it doesn’t like me.
Things I did:
Went for a second opinion on the whole infertility thing. Plus side- nothing else obvious we should/could do. Bad- same thing, there is no magic bullet
We went to Melbourne and saw Bruce Springsteen
I thought some embroidery
I did some watercolour- the watercolour class was late January and then we had a watercolour night with QCWA in February
I saw a large spider in a car park
This most recent weekend we went to the beach
I also had a busy work month, there is an industry wide change that came into force this year. The deadline for reporting the information was today, and a lot of decisions had to be made this month. It is a complex change and I have spent too much time explaining it.
Not sure I am looking forward to march- I have a big birthday coming up.