I have these thoughts, but when I sit to write my blog posts they are gone.
So random statuses.
I went back to work mid-last week. Very tiring the first few days, but movement helped. I did discover walking around the block at work was too far for me.
G has been sick since I was in the hospital- a double whammy of pneumonia and the flu. Plus a newly discovered allergy to dust mites. So it’s been interesting- I can’t do much and he can’t do much either.
Lots and lots of sleeping happening.
I did watch the first half of friends the first season. Was the original actress playing Ross’s ex-wife replaced? I think I see the appeal now- young single adults in the city- in a way I didn’t quite get my first years of Uni.
I also finished a small cross stitch project and worked on one of my rag rugs.
Valery Valentina
28 September, 2015 at 10:25 pm
Sounds like the teenager isn’t much help? Does he need spelling out what needs to be done? (maybe G can explain that a double pneumonia is no walk in the park and that some chores would help a lot, like vacuuming…)
Hope you will both improve steadily and quickly.
28 September, 2015 at 11:12 pm
It will take a while to get back your energy. Hope you continue to get better.